Sunday, December 23, 2012

Benefield Christmas

Today Jackson, Rosie, and I celebrated Christmas in our home for the first time as a family. We had the best day! After having breakfast at the house we let Rosie open her stocking. She loved pulling her toys out and playing with her new stuff. We went to church, had lunch, and then finally broke down and swapped gifts. Jackson got me a piece of our crystal and a new awesome camera!! He got some stuff for our ski trip, a belt, and a kayak. Getting the kayak picked out, home, and somewhat hidden was a job in and of itself so I was proud. Then we cooked a celebratory dinner of lambchops, potatoes au gratin, and brussel sprouts. Here are some much better quality pictures than usual to document the day!

Our tree and Christmas card banner...

Sweet Rosie with one of her new toys...

Jackson and Rosie trying out the new kayak!

Rosie taking a swig from the hose...

Our delicious dinner and wine from my new crystal goblet.

Merry Christmas! Hopefully I will learn how to actually use my camera soon so I can have some good blog pictures!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World

Jackson proposed the day before the last predicted world end date (May 20,2011). I guess he wanted to make sure to lock that down just in case. However, if possible, I feel even happier today. If the world were to melt away at some hour today, at least I'd be happy with the life that God has allowed us to create together. I know this all sounds super corny and sappy but looking at life can sometimes make me feel that kind of happy that always sounds cheesy when you talk about it.

I'm feeling extra sane today after finishing "Gone Girl," a mystery with a whole lot of crazy happening. It's intriguing to say the least.

If we are allowed tomorrow, which let's face it, we are never promised no matter who does the predicting, Alicia and Dan are visiting and Jackson is off work the whole day. I love when Saturdays actually feel like a Saturday. Then Sunday we are having our Christmas with each other before heading to Ozark the following day. It is hard to even mention Christmas without talking about what I got him because I'm so excited! It's crazy to me because while much of marriage feels the same, our first married Christmas together feels different and new like we've never celebrated a holiday together before. I will report back about gifts after exchanging.

Our little Rosie must have stepped in a hole last week or something because she was limping. She has been on anti-inflammatory this week and goes back to see Dr. Katie this afternoon. I think she is fine but we are overprotective parents of our first furry child and you can never be too careful! I never realized how quickly one becomes a "crazy dog person that thinks her animal is a person" until now. But she is just so cute I can't help it.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Happenings

It's crazy to think that finals are over and Christmas is here. I couldn't be happier though! This weekend I celebrated by attending a baby shower, a wedding shower, and Christmas at my house in Haleyville with my family. While my family does a trip rather than Christmas presents for adults, this was our first Christmas with babies old enough to know what they were doing opening gifts. I had the best time watching Hannah open all the presents for her and Sally.

Jackson and I got Sally an outfit with pink owls on it and an owl lovey. Hannah opened the lovey and decided she wanted to go night night. She is the sweetest baby. I also made bow hangers from some white frames I found by attaching vertical ribbons. Hannah and Sally each got their own since they both have so much dark hair!

We gave Hannah some play doh and a cleaning cart with a mop, broom, vacuum, etc. Hannah "cleaned up" the whole time we were in Haleyville! I don't think her parents are going to have to worry about her cleaning her room later on.

Scott and Rebecca got some toys for our baby, Rosie as well. We gave them to her when we got home and she played with them until she passed out. She likes to hoard as many toys at once as she can. Here she is laying on top of both of her new toys at once. I think she gets afraid that we might change our mind and take one away.

In other exciting news, my brother-in-law got engaged this past week! Jackson thinks I'm a soothsayer since I called when this would happen about a year and 1/2 ago. We could not be more excited for Brandon and Laura!

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Brother

Happy Birthday to my brother, Carter! Although not super close in age, I feel so lucky that we are super close friends. I love being in the same city so we can get together easily. Family being here is a big part of what I love about Birmingham. I can't wait to celebrate with you!

Thought I would post some oldies but goodies in honor of Carter's birthday.

Love you, Carter!!