My sister-in-law, Rebecca, and I have started a sort of tradition of getting together at her house to make and decorate sugar cookies for various occasions. We have made them at Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July, Spring, and basically any other time it would be mildly appropriate because they are just so good. We decided to make some this week in celebration of my last week before school starts back, Scott's birthday, and Hannah being old enough to join in and enjoy the process. Here are the finished results.
Hannah was ready to help in Mommy's apron.
She liked to shake, shake, shake the sprinkles!
And when they were done, Hannah decided she likes the cookies just as much as Rebecca and I do!
I have decided that she is going to be a clothes horse like her Mommy and Aunt Caroline. The whole time I'm there she chattered away about wanting to put her shoes on. She LOVES shoes! Then, upon seeing her reflection, she decides she needs a hairbow and starts patting her head and saying bow. What a fancy little cookie monster!
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