Well, it's been over a month since I've blogged. Thanks bar exam studying. However, in the moments I haven't been thinking about the test, I've been thinking about Rosie. I'm sure everyone is rolling their eyes and not the least bit surprised. But each year at certain times I like to think back to what I was doing at that time last year. I find it a great way to measure personal growth and to reflect on the changes that have taken place during the last year. Last year at this time, Jackson and I were looking into getting a puppy. We actually picked up Rosie on July 28th (which will be the day before the bar so I will be pushing my sweet girl out of my mind that day).
When I found the listing for Rosie, my heart stopped. Jackson and I had been going back and forth over what kind of dog to get. Size was important to us (he didn't want small and feminine looking, I didn't want giant and hard to manage) as well as temperament. However, so many breeds are really expensive and we both knew there were tons of less expensive dogs that needed good homes. Rosie fit the bill. We knew she would be in the size range of a golden or springer (prob about 50 lbs), the price tag was reasonable, and we would get to meet her biological parents Boo and Huck when we went to see her. It was the best of both worlds.
I was really nervous about that ride back from Huntsville with the puppy. So many dogs don't do well on car rides, especially when they're young. However, Rosie spent the whole ride snuggled in my lap trying to stay awake so she could check out her surroundings. She wasn't very successful. The first couple of nights were kind of sad because you could tell she missed the comfort of her bio parents and brothers and sisters. But she adjusted quickly and seemed really happy. We've also been extremely lucky to be in contact with her parents' owners. They are great to give updates on her parents and siblings often.
This year has been the most fun. Jackson and I can't imagine life without Rosie . Together we've gone on trips, played, and received comfort that only an animal can give. I'm so thankful that we saw that listing a year ago!
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