Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World

Jackson proposed the day before the last predicted world end date (May 20,2011). I guess he wanted to make sure to lock that down just in case. However, if possible, I feel even happier today. If the world were to melt away at some hour today, at least I'd be happy with the life that God has allowed us to create together. I know this all sounds super corny and sappy but looking at life can sometimes make me feel that kind of happy that always sounds cheesy when you talk about it.

I'm feeling extra sane today after finishing "Gone Girl," a mystery with a whole lot of crazy happening. It's intriguing to say the least.

If we are allowed tomorrow, which let's face it, we are never promised no matter who does the predicting, Alicia and Dan are visiting and Jackson is off work the whole day. I love when Saturdays actually feel like a Saturday. Then Sunday we are having our Christmas with each other before heading to Ozark the following day. It is hard to even mention Christmas without talking about what I got him because I'm so excited! It's crazy to me because while much of marriage feels the same, our first married Christmas together feels different and new like we've never celebrated a holiday together before. I will report back about gifts after exchanging.

Our little Rosie must have stepped in a hole last week or something because she was limping. She has been on anti-inflammatory this week and goes back to see Dr. Katie this afternoon. I think she is fine but we are overprotective parents of our first furry child and you can never be too careful! I never realized how quickly one becomes a "crazy dog person that thinks her animal is a person" until now. But she is just so cute I can't help it.

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