Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anniversary Thoughts

On Sunday, Jackson and I will have officially survived our first year of marriage. I have no idea how it's even possible that a year has already passed. The great "they sayers" say that the first year of marriage is the hardest. Either that isn't true at all or we have years of blissful ease ahead because this year has been one of the best years of my life. When you are young, you lean on your parents and it is enough. At some age though, at least in my case, you reach a point where life experiences bring you out of the realm of your parents' understanding. I'm so lucky to be with a person who lets me lean on him and leans back on me. When you think of your husband supporting you, most of the time a person imagines the financial aspect. I have come to think that emotional support is more important. As a strong, intelligent, sometimes too independent woman, I could survive on my own financially. However, what Jackson gives me, I could never do for myself. I know I always have a partner.

Jackson and I have discussed things that make a marriage work not only in our life but also in the lives of our families and role models. I'm sure we will continue to learn these little things all along the way. For now, we think that a big part is appreciation (and I add that you can't adequately appreciate if you don't communicate). People want to be acknowledged for the things they do for others. It seems like it is so easy to take a spouse for granted. After all, they are there and doing those things for you all the time. But the crazy thing we've seen is that appreciation is reciprocal. If Jackson brings me flowers home from work, I start thinking about how sweet he is and go pick him up a new shirt. If I thank Jackson for cutting the grass and say how good it looks, appreciation comes back to me. It creates the ultimate win win situation. 

This weekend we are celebrating our first year of wedded bliss in Atlanta for a relaxing weekend. We are so excited to get away and just be together without the distractions of ordinary life. Our thoughts will be on the most fun weekend ever one year ago. If you have 20 minutes, here's a peek into that great day.

Happy Anniversary to the one my soul loves. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Law School Graduation

Well, it's official. My years at Cumberland School of Law have officially come to a close. It's pretty hard to believe. Last night was my graduation. Since I didn't walk in my college graduation, I was a little nervous. It's been quite some time since the high school one! It didn't help that the graduation was in some building that 90% of the law students have never heard of, much less ventured into. However, we made it to the building and the ceremony couldn't have been nicer. I feel truly blessed to be a graduate from Cumberland School of Law.
Disclaimer: The weather bombed at some point so the pictures get progressively worse. Ehh. What can you do?

Rosie telling me she's proud of her Mama (or me putting her in a choke hold to try and get a pic with a dog that doesn't stop moving)

Casey and me


We earned JD and "law degree by association" tonight. I can't figure out why Jackson didn't walk.

Supportive family coming to see me walk

Caroline Benefield, JD


Pretty Olexa's cake. The best.

Lynlee, Me, Rebecca


With my matching brothers

My Aunt Connie and Uncle Jack came to celebrate!

Benefield (or soon to be Benefield) women

With the Benefield boys


With Donna and Keith


I still haven't processed that law school is over. Now I just have to get ready for the bar!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beach with my Mama

As many of you know, I graduate from law school tomorrow. While I'm glad to be done with classes, classes to prep for the bar start on Monday, so a break is put off until the beginning of August. However, I finished exams on Friday, so I had a few days before actual graduation to do fun stuff and take my mind off school. 
Saturday my sweet niece, Hannah, turned 2. We went to Scott and Rebecca's house for a paint party and Hannah had so much fun. Sunday was Mother's Day and we met up for breakfast with my parents. Mom was excited to see all three of her kids on Mother's day. I also spent some time playing with my baby for my first (mother of a puppy) mother's day. I don't care what people say, it counts! 
After lunch, Mom and I headed to the beach for a few days for our first trip with just us in forever. We had the best time and got so lucky with the weather and the water. I've never seen the water so clear.

Mom chilling under an umbrella


Yep, this is the ocean water. Clear as a bell.


The shark that you can sort of see in front of this guy caused quite the commotion. Everybody had to get out of the water and they tried to run him off with the paddle boards. The guy that puts out our beach chairs said he was probably 6 feet long. 

Ready to walk on the beach

Back home Rosie was sitting in her brand new pool. 


This was our view from lunch the last day. Every time I look at the water I think of my bridesmaid dresses. I love all the blue shades. 

While we were there we tried out the new restaurant Boshamps. It was really good! The name comes from the family's pets' names combined with the owner's initials. If you go, get the original snapper destin. It's delicious!
We also ate at our old favorites, Dewey Destin's (good Auburn folks), Cuvee Bistro, and Basmati's. You just can't beat food at the beach!
The best part of the trip was getting to hang out with my mom. Although I see her a lot, it's different now that I'm married and we are always with a big group of family. 

Check back soon for graduation posts! I can't wait to celebrate being DONE!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hannah is Two

Today my sweet niece, Hannah, turns 2. It's the craziest thing in my mind because she was just born yesterday, but I can't remember what life was like before she got here. I'm so lucky to be this sweet girl's Aunt. There are so many times in the past two years that will stick with me forever. 
The first time I held you.
The first time I saw your daddy hold you.
When you came "trick or treating" for baby food at our house. You were the cutest chicken.
The first time you called me "Cah." It was so great to realize you knew who I was. 
And now you call me "Aunt Carewine" and say that it's my full name.
The day you walked down the aisle as our flower girl. You were barely one but did such a good job. 
The day you wore the Big Sister outfit to tell us about Sally coming.

Hannah, you have meant so much to our family and brought us such happiness. I love you like a mother and a sister at the same time. Happy Birthday, sweet Hannah! 

Holding Hannah the day she was born

She had the prettiest full face and round head. 

Rebecca holding her first born baby girl

She sucked her fingers like Scott right away. Then she switched to "tats" (pacifiers) and never looked back.

Jackson holding Hannah

Wedding day kisses

Cutest flower girl

Pretty, pretty!

She did such a good job! Hannah waved to everyone down the aisle.

Mammy and Pappy 

Now playing like a big girl


The beach in the cold. She loves outside more than any kid I know.

With Jackson and Rosie on Rascal Day

Messy mouth

Celebrating Mimi's Birthday/Sally's Baptism

Hannah, we can't wait to celebrate with you today! Jackson, Rosie, and I love you so much!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cumberland Reflections

Well, it has been almost a month since my last post. I guess finals will do that to you. But now I only have one left standing between me and graduation. It's sort of crazy to reflect back over these past 3 years. Although it's gone by super fast, it has been a super eventful time in my life. Not only have I worked for my J.D., I got engaged, became an aunt, got married, became an aunt again, bought our first house, adopted our first child/dog, experienced great losses and even greater accomplishments. I know I will remember and love the friends I've made at Cumberland forever. Only they can truly understand what these past 3 years have been like (although Jackson probably has a pretty good idea). 

Here are some pics of the less stressful times. 

Bachelorette in ATL with Casey

Wedding day with Ali

Celebrating Bryn's birthday

I'm married!

So happy y'all came to my wedding!

Casey and me

Cole at our very first Rascal day

Barrister's Ball 2L year

Sarah and me

Cole and Rosie...BFFs

Jumping at AirWalk for Robert's Birthday

Going into law school you expect everybody to be out for blood and lurking around corners to steal your books so they do better than you. At some schools, that may be true. I feel truly blessed to be in a great class of friends at Cumberland. Friends who will not only share outlines, help explain things you don't understand, and celebrate with you when you do well, but friend who will bring you a bottle of maker's mark when you get a new house, drive 4 hours to go to your wedding, and calm you down when wedding planning and school at the same time makes you snap. While part of me is so excited to be done and say goodbye to exams, a part of me will really miss being in law school.